Sunday, July 08, 2018

Long time no see

Wow! It’s over ten years since my last post. I can’t believe the blog is still here. I’m going to try to post at least once a week from now on. Momentous events: oh, yes ... England won a game of football. That is all I have to say on the subject. If I had a choice between watching a game of football or wood warping, I’d be sitting in the sunshine staring at a plank.

Sunday, April 05, 2009


A few weeks ago my iMac G5 crashed (a Mac? Crashing? I know - unbelievable isn't it?). I lost a lot of stuff I am painfully attempting to retrieve. One of the major casualties was my iTunes library including all those Free Music Tuesday freebies I could never replace. The horror! The horror! :(

Fortunately it was all on my trusty iPod. :)

Unfortunately, Apple does not allow you to download from iPod to hard drive. :(

Fortunately I ran across iPodRip and all my precious music was downloaded to my brand new iMac G5.:)

What are you waiting for? Get over there and download it. What? Oh yes - iPodRip also works on Windoze.


I am abandoning all pretence at being a heavyweight blogger. No more analysis of political and economic trends (not that there was much to start with!). No more pontificating on matters social. Unless I feel like it if course. It's my blo-og and I'll cry if I want to.

That said, I envy the Americans their new President. Can we have him instead of Gordon? Yes we can. Well, no unfortunately we can't. Apart from anything else, Gordon isn't our head of state. 

Talking of which, I was so moved by the picture of the Queen and Michelle Obama hugging. The Queen looked so old and frail next to Michelle, and I felt a pang: I'm not a raving monarchist, but HM has been there my entire life, and when she goes it will be a huge chunk of the landscape of my life and youth breaking off and sliding into the sea of oblivion.

One of my American friends, a lifelong Democrat, is muttering darkly about Socialism and says she's scared. I suppose being this side of "the pond" we're used to the sort of measures BHO (that middle initial really is essential if you're turning him into an acronym :p) is introducing. There's nothing very terrible or startling to a European in what he's putting forward. I have to say I have never understood why a country that welcomes "huddled masses yearning to breathe free" would charge for healthcare. My friend tells me it's the American way. Equally I have never understood why we allowed anyone who wanted to come here and take advantage of our NHS.

OK I'm done being serious. If you want to find out more about what President Obama thinks — go right ahead and Google him. It's not rocket science. And I have provided one Obama link entirely free of charge.

Sunday, August 03, 2008


That is what my life has become since my last but one posting.

I had anticipated resuming my life once my duties as a carer came to an end, but then my own already poor health deteriorated much more rapidly than I could have anticipated. I think the last few months of my mother's life with the daily visits to the hospital took such a toll.

I wonder what will happen to me when I am no longer able to look after myself. Stuck in a care home with people 20 to 40 years my senior? The financial implications are less worrying. I won't be any worse off than I am now, and possibly slightly better off.

I'm glad to see Mick Jagger has no worries on that score. He is now one of the lucky recipients of the State Pension, having reached the venerable age of 65.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Judy Frankel

Judy Frankel, preserver and performer of Sephardic songs died on 20th March. I have put up a website to honour her memory.

Monday, July 11, 2005

First Person Account

One of the survivors of the London bombings has given her moving account of the incident. Read Survivor's Blog at BBC Online.

Friday, July 08, 2005

It was only a matter of time

I turned on the television yesterday lunch time to watch the news on BBC1. A reporter was saying something about a bus and at first I thought there had been some sort of accident. I turned to Sky One's interactive service and saw that London had been subject to a terror attack.
I remember that when I first heard about 9/11, my reaction was one of total disbelief: it felt as if I were watching a movie. This time there was no sense of disbelief, nor even of surprise (I think everyone had expected this since 9/11). I just felt numb.

It's not the first time we've watched the aftermath of a terror attack, of course. I worked in London during the worst period of IRA bombing. I always wondered if they would ever hit the Tube. They planted bombs at Tube stations, but never on the trains themselves. And there was usually a warning. I do not for a moment think that the IRA were motivated by humanity to limit loss of life, but I do think that they held back to some extent because they didn't want to lose credibility and support.

The contrast between the euphoria over the Olympics the day before, and the horror that unfolded was particularly poignant. I think we need the Olympics like we need a hole in the head, but it was so uplifting to see the celebrations in London and Singapore.

Then I thought about Israel, and how London's terrible day is a way of life for Israelis. How many of those rushing to condemn yesterday's terrorism have been equally quick to excuse Palestinian suicide bombings as "desperation"?

I rang the one person I thought might have been in London; he was fine and so was his brother, but his sister-in-law hadn't been in touch (she was all right, it turned out).

One thing puzzles me, and, I'm sure, many others. Why were 1500 police officers sent north of the border to the G8 summit? I'm sure the Scottish police are more than capable of mounting a security operation of this nature.

This morning I watched the news, and then turned to S4C and, for the rest of the morning, watched the International Eisteddfod from Llangollen. It was a wonderful antidote - singers from all over the world united by their love of music.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I don't know much about Anime...

in fact I don't know anything about Anime, but I took this quiz:


What Kind of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

It's a long time since I was an innocent schoolgirl!