Wednesday, June 25, 2003

The Achinoam Nini Page "The Web's first and largest Achinoam Nini fan site". So says its creator, (and I think it's great, and much better than the official site); he goes on to say that Noa is "Israel's greatest female singer". There I part company from him: I think that honour goes to Chava Alberstein. Ofra Haza would have been in the running too, had she lived. Forget her disco stuff — listen to Yemenite Songs. I believe that has also been released under the title Fifty Gates of Wisdom.

Nevertheless, Noa is wonderful. I'm listening to her singing Nocturno, and it's sending shivers down my spine. Here is a translation of the lyrics taken from the CD liner notes. They are by Leah Goldberg and have been translated from the Hebrew. Can't find details of the translator.

All the stars hidden away
and the moon in a pich black night
From the north
to Yemen
not a ray of light.

Morning, loyal widower
clutch your grey sack tight
From the north
to Yemen
not a ray of light.

No light, not a ray of light.

Light a small white candle
in this darkened tent,
this heart of mine
From the north
and south to Yemen
then a brilliant light will shine!

The light, the light will shine.