Sunday, April 05, 2009


A few weeks ago my iMac G5 crashed (a Mac? Crashing? I know - unbelievable isn't it?). I lost a lot of stuff I am painfully attempting to retrieve. One of the major casualties was my iTunes library including all those Free Music Tuesday freebies I could never replace. The horror! The horror! :(

Fortunately it was all on my trusty iPod. :)

Unfortunately, Apple does not allow you to download from iPod to hard drive. :(

Fortunately I ran across iPodRip and all my precious music was downloaded to my brand new iMac G5.:)

What are you waiting for? Get over there and download it. What? Oh yes - iPodRip also works on Windoze.


I am abandoning all pretence at being a heavyweight blogger. No more analysis of political and economic trends (not that there was much to start with!). No more pontificating on matters social. Unless I feel like it if course. It's my blo-og and I'll cry if I want to.

That said, I envy the Americans their new President. Can we have him instead of Gordon? Yes we can. Well, no unfortunately we can't. Apart from anything else, Gordon isn't our head of state. 

Talking of which, I was so moved by the picture of the Queen and Michelle Obama hugging. The Queen looked so old and frail next to Michelle, and I felt a pang: I'm not a raving monarchist, but HM has been there my entire life, and when she goes it will be a huge chunk of the landscape of my life and youth breaking off and sliding into the sea of oblivion.

One of my American friends, a lifelong Democrat, is muttering darkly about Socialism and says she's scared. I suppose being this side of "the pond" we're used to the sort of measures BHO (that middle initial really is essential if you're turning him into an acronym :p) is introducing. There's nothing very terrible or startling to a European in what he's putting forward. I have to say I have never understood why a country that welcomes "huddled masses yearning to breathe free" would charge for healthcare. My friend tells me it's the American way. Equally I have never understood why we allowed anyone who wanted to come here and take advantage of our NHS.

OK I'm done being serious. If you want to find out more about what President Obama thinks — go right ahead and Google him. It's not rocket science. And I have provided one Obama link entirely free of charge.