Saturday, November 27, 2004

I can see why Eve was tempted by the Apple

I love my new Mac: the operating system is a doddle. I took me a while to get used to some things, though, like working without right-click; I miss the Solitaire and Free Cell games. Wonder if there's a commercial Mac version. A major disappointment was the loss of my ftp program, Terrapin. There's no Mac version and never going to be. I now use Transmit, and it's OK, but it's not Terrapin.

I have been using a CD-ROM (aimed at kids) called Rivka Teaches Hebrew. According to the liner notes, it works for both PC and Mac. Yeah, right. There are no Mac files on the CD. I surfed to only to be redirected to I emailed them and got no response, so I rang up. They couldn't understand why I had no reply, this was most unusual, etc, but told me that Lexington Warner are now in receivership so there was nothing they could do. I suppose I shall have to invest in Virtual PC.

My Runes program doesn't work in Mac either, so I found a Mac version called Rune Hilda. Couldn't get that to work either, so I emailed on 15 November. Guess what? I'm still waiting for a reply. I have since realised that I needed to install the Classic environment, and now it works fine. I'm not going to bother to tell Ray, though. Why should I put myself out for someone who can't be bothered.